Tuesday, 30 July 2013


It is extremely important to preserve the stability of purchased drugs. If the stability of a drug is compromised, it may lead to microbial contamination and degradation. The drug may also broken down into potentially toxic chemicals that may be harmful to the human body.
Factors that can compromise the stability of drugs include:

  1. TEMPERATURE: Many drugs are heat sensitive. If stored above a certain temperature, degradation occurs. The drug is then rendered inactive or becomes a medium for microbial contamination. Live inactivated vaccines may revert back to the virulent forms. Hormones also become degraded and inactive.
  2. LIGHT: Some drugs are photo labile. This means they become degraded when exposed to light. Such drugs are stored in amber colored containers. They should never be transferred from their original containers to other containers.
  3. WATER: Exposure to water compromises the stability of drugs. Water or moisture breaks down such drugs, degrading them and making them prone to microbial contamination. Manufacturers package drugs in moisture proof containers and foils. Many antibiotic syrups are water labile. They are packaged as dry powders and reconstituted prior to administration. They should be used up or discarded within 7 days.

Sunday, 28 July 2013


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The Nigerian senate recently passed a bill in favor of underage marriage for the girl child and to recognize such as an adult when married. This is morally, psychologically and socially wrong and robs the girl child of her childhood as well as her basic fundamental human rights. I would focus more on the medical implications of underage marriage.
The body of a child is not fully equipped to handle the stress of pregnancy and childbirth. Vesicovaginal fistula(VVF) is a common complication of early childbirth and rape. VVF is an abnormal fistulous tract extending between the bladder and the vagina that allows the continuous involuntary discharge of urine into the vaginal vault. An obstetric fistula is caused by child birth due to prolonged labor that presses the unborn child tightly against the pelvis. This cuts off blood flow to the vesico vaginal wall. Tissue necrosis (cell death) occurs leaving holes through which urine can pass uncontrollably.
According to Nigeria's minister of women affairs and social developement, Hajiya Zainab Maina, Nigeria has the highest incidences of vesico vaginal fistula in the world with an estimated 400,000 to 800,000 cases with 20,000 cases each year. These women are usually treated as outcasts, banished from their communities and frequently told they are being punished for their sins. They suffer from emotional trauma and are even rejected by own their families.
Let us all join hands to educate the girl child. Knowledge is power. If you educate a boy, you educate an individual, if you educate a girl, you educate a nation.

Saturday, 27 July 2013


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Hypertension or high blood pressure is a silent disease. It is silent because sufferers experience little or no symptoms. The most notable symptom experienced is headache. This disease affects a vast majority of any population though its concentration has been found to be more among the urban dwellers. It is important for people to check their blood pressure at least once every six months.Apart from anti-hypertensive medications, lifestyle modification is also very important. The DASH diet plan is recommended. It includes reduction of sodium intake, reduction in alcohol intake, moderate exercise (15 minutes of brisk walking everyday), and high fibre intake.

Friday, 26 July 2013


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The importance of healthy eating in pregnancy can never be understated. Carbohydrates (mostly brown, less white), Proteins (Fish, low fat Dairy, poultry, vegetables, soy), Unsaturated Fat (Nuts, Fish Fat, spinach, Brussels sprouts, vegetable oils) should be consumed. It is also important to consume at least 30g of Fibre per day. Fibre containing foods include Fruits, Vegetables, Whole grain, Legumes, nuts and seeds. Dietary information on food products should be constantly checked before consumption. Avoid red meat, Saturated fats, trans fats, white carbs, and processed sugars. Sodium consumption should also be reduced to at most 2400mg (1 teaspoonful) per day. Pregnant mothers should consume a minimum of 175g/day of carbohydrates and these carbohydrates should constitute 45-65% of total daily calories. Consumed proteins should be at least 1.1g/kg/day.