Thursday 27 October 2011


Have you not wondered in some way or the other why some drugs are packaged in 28’s, 60’s or 90’s? Stored in amber coloured containers, protected from light?

Most drugs that are packaged in 28s are usually intended to be taken *once daily for 4 weeks and 60’s are usually intended to be taken twice daily est. This rule is however not obtainable in all cases.

Drugs that follow this rule are usually drugs taken on a long term basis e.g. multivitamins, anti- hypertensives, anti-diabetics and anti-retrovirals.

  Antibiotics, anti-helminthics and pain relief medications are examples of drugs that do not follow this rule.

Amber coloured containers protect photosensitive drugs from light degradation. Signs of photo degradation include change in colour, texture or consistency.

*These are adult doses and dosage readjustments are necessary in the case of children.